
St. Joseph

2021-02-28T22:32:30+00:00February 26th, 2021|Categories: Catholic Practices, Celebration, Conference/Talk, Devotions, Invitation, Meditation, News, Prayer Intention, Sharings|Tags: , , , |

Who does not love St. Joseph? Religious and priests have a great devotion to St. Joseph, and so do many faithful Catholics. He is the silent Saint, did not say a word in the Gospel, and worked and lived quietly with Jesus and Mary - and yet, the Church declared him Patron of the Universal [...]

Chair of Peter

2021-02-23T21:25:49+00:00February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Authority of the Church, Catholic Church, Catholic Practices, Celebration, Conference/Talk, News, Papal Decree|Tags: , , , , |

What is the Chair of Peter? There is a physical meaning to this "chair." But we celebrate on February 22, the spiritual significance of it. According to Pope Benedict XVI: Our "liturgy celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. This is a very ancient tradition, proven to have existed in Rome since the [...]

Importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

2021-01-31T20:51:31+00:00January 29th, 2021|Categories: Catholic Practices, Celebration, Conference/Talk, Devotions, Invitation, News, Sacrament, Season|Tags: , , , |

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, each faithful, after having attained the age of discretion, is bound by an obligation faithfully to confess serious sins at least once a year.” (CCC 1457). Is that all? Scripture says "the just man falls seven times (a day)" (Prov. 24:16). An honest self-examination will reveal that [...]

Confession during Pandemic

2021-01-29T13:00:49+00:00January 23rd, 2021|Categories: Catholic Practices, Celebration, Conference/Talk, Devotions, Invitation, News, Prayerlife, Sacrament|Tags: , , , , , |

Confession is a significant part of our Catholic life. But during this pandemic, almost all our practices are on hold. Going to a priest for confession is one of them. What can we do then? Must we wait to have our sins forgiven until we can go to the Sacrament?Here is a short video where [...]

Dr. Peter Kreeft: Great Philosopher of our Present Time

2020-11-26T20:41:31+00:00November 26th, 2020|Categories: Conference/Talk, News, Sharings|Tags: , |

In this our present time, we have a great and outstanding, yet humble philosopher with a good sense of humor in the person of Dr. Peter Kreeft. You've got to listen to all his YouTube conferences or read the many books he has written and published, and it will prove to you that he is [...]

What do you have?

2020-08-27T09:17:08+00:00August 20th, 2020|Categories: Conference/Talk, Meditation, Sharings|Tags: |

A few days ago, I was meditating on the Gospel of Matthew about the multiplication of the loaves. (Mt.14:17-21) This Scripture passage gives me the confidence that Jesus will multiply what little I have. If I offer them to Him, He will bless many people through them. I have also learned to believe in others' [...]

The Song of Songs

2020-07-20T19:30:27+00:00July 20th, 2020|Categories: Conference/Talk, Meditation, Sharings|Tags: , , |

The Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon is a Book in the Old Testament that is quite difficult to understand. This Book is a love-poem that speaks of God's love for his people. But it also speaks of a soul's relationship with her Lord. Every time I read this, I feel invited to get [...]

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

2020-07-19T20:06:30+00:00June 28th, 2020|Categories: Celebration, Conference/Talk, Devotions, Meditation, News|Tags: , , , |

The ninth day from the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (i.e., if we celebrate it on a Thursday), we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is like a continuation of the celebration of Corpus Christi. Has not His Body a Heart which pumps Blood throughout our body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to our cells and [...]

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

2020-07-19T20:12:28+00:00June 18th, 2020|Categories: Celebration, Conference/Talk, Devotions, Meditation, News, Sharings|Tags: , , , |

On June 7, we solemnly celebrated the central mystery of our faith, namely, the Most Blessed Trinity. Thursday after this, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, or what is called Corpus Christi. (Some countries celebrate this on a Sunday after Trinity Sunday). What does this Feast mean? Why do we [...]

New Mission in Greece

2017-08-16T13:09:09+00:00May 9th, 2017|Categories: Arnoldus Family, Conference/Talk, News, Sharings|Tags: , , |

A new mission in Greece! A few weeks ago we received a letter from our SSpS Missionary Sisters informing us and asking prayers for their new mission in Greece. So on Good Shepherd Sunday, May 7, 2017, five of our SSpS Missionary Sisters came and shared with us their new mission in Greece. Two members of the SSpS [...]

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