Mayor’s Jubilee Greetings

2017-08-17T14:07:21+00:00May 22nd, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl|Tags: , |

We met our Mayor, Mr. A.S. Scholten, for the first time last November 4, 2014, when we invited him to meet with our Mother General and her Council. Among other things he related to us some interesting news in the Municipality. He said that it is his practice to visit and greet with flowers any [...]

65 Years of Religious Profession

2017-08-17T14:05:01+00:00May 21st, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl, News|Tags: |

We are celebrating today the 65th Year of Religious Profession of our Sr.M.Jacinta. She is almost 89 years old, but she still helps in some small chores. But above all, it is her joy to pray. So often she says that now that she cannot work so much anymore, she gives all her time to prayer. [...]

Information Showcase

2017-08-17T13:59:22+00:00May 19th, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl|Tags: , |

It was suggested to us that we attach outside our wall by the gate a kind of showcase where we could display some information and photos about who we are. It was brought to our attention that passersby are often wondering: “who live in this big building and what are they doing?” Brother Rector Roland Scheid [...]


2017-08-17T13:56:48+00:00May 17th, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl, News|

What is that hanging there on that small tree? Our garden Sister looked a little closer and was terrified to find a big cluster of bees - honeybees! The honeybees have built their colony there and they are hanging so neatly arranged on a small tree. Sister Superior called Brother Bartjes SVD, a once-upon-a-time beekeeper [...]

Beautiful Spring Morning

2017-08-17T13:52:32+00:00May 6th, 2015|Categories: Meditation|

It is such a beautiful spring morning! I looked out of my window during meditation and I was greeted by loud and joyful chirping of different kinds of birds in our garden. I breathed in the fresh air and drank in their beautiful singing. We’ve just finished our Morning Praise (Lauds) and the birds were [...]

Lay Missionaries

2017-08-17T13:46:33+00:00May 3rd, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl, News|Tags: , |

Some lay missionaries from Portugal called “Dialogos”, whose main objective is to support the three Congregations of St. Arnold Janssen, were brought to us by Fr. Renato Gnata, SVD and Fr. Tony Pates, SVD for the purpose of getting to know us, whom they are assisting with their prayers and good works. They were shown [...]

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