

2020-10-30T23:38:44+00:00October 20th, 2020|Categories: Nature, Season|Tags: , , |

Autumn never stops to fascinate me. Someone said that Autumn is a low-mood season - many people feel depressed during this time. It may be true, especially when it starts to rain for several days and all the leaves fall to the ground, turn brown and eventually decay. The surrounding gets wet and messy, not [...]

“Erntedankfest” (Harvest Thanksgiving festival)

2020-10-22T21:32:24+00:00October 8th, 2020|Categories: Anecdote, Culture, News, Sharings|Tags: , , |

Germany, and other German-speaking countries, have a beautiful custom called "Erntedankfest" (translated: Harvest Thanksgiving Festival). In Germany, they celebrate this on the first Sunday in October. They offer thanksgiving for the good harvest, and they implore God for His blessing for the fruits of the field. Being a German-speaking community, with half of our number [...]

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