We fulfill our vocation in a life, which under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, is completely oriented to contemplation through faith-filled immersion in the love of the triune God and in the mystery of salvation.
In accordance with the wish of our Founder, St.Arnold Janssen, we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity as our principal feast. We are mindful of our contemplative-missionary calling which takes its origin in the mystery of the Trinity.
Attentive to the Holy Trinity’s gracious indwelling, we strive to penetrate more deeply into this unfathomable mystery and to live with fuller awareness in intimate union with the three divine Persons. To the best of our ability we foster in others understanding of and love for this central mystery of our faith.
The Holy Spirit and his saving work are to receive a prominent place in our life of faith and in our piety. We allow ourselves to be drawn by him into the mystery of the triune God and his saving plan.
We also endeavor to foster in others an understanding of the Holy Spirit’s workings in the plan of redemption and readiness to surrender wholeheartedly to the Spirit of holiness and love.
In the mystery of the Eucharist, the triune God’s love is manifested in its fullness. Our contemplative life draws its strength from it. It is the heart of our personal and communal life.

The more we ourselves draw life from this mystery and let it mold our community living, the more effective will be our contribution to the Church’s continual renewal and extension through the Holy Eucharist, so that it will become an efficacious sign and pledge of unity and peace among persons and nations.
Our vocation implies intimate sharing in Christ’s cross for the salvation of the world and the growth of the Church, thus we endeavor with each day to grow in love for Christ crucified. In our daily religious life, we try to recognize with increasing clarity the divine summons, and to respond with growing generosity as God invites us to follow his Son on the way of renunciation. In the faithful living out of the requirements of our vocational duties, in accepting humbly and lovingly the difficulties of communal living and in carrying out faithfully, generously and courageously the challenges and burden of daily work, we do what we can to make up for all that still has to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body the Church  (cf. Col.1:24).

Mary is our help as we follow Christ crucified. By her “yes”, spoken out a deep faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit, she became the Mother of the Redeemer and gave life to the world. Faithful to her “Yes”, she retained her basic disposition of joy and gratitude, even in every painful experience. She became one with her Son’s surrender to the Father for the salvation of the world. In her attitude of intercession she continues her saving mission as Mother in the mystery of the Church. Thus her life shows us the meaning and goal of our vocation in the heart of the Church.

Your whole life should be unceasing adoration, through a life of purity and immolation, of love and total surrender to God, in intimate union with the Eucharistic life of Jesus.

– 1935 Directory –