The more we ourselves draw life from this mystery and let it mold our community living, the more effective will be our contribution to the Church’s continual renewal and extension through the Holy Eucharist, so that it will become an efficacious sign and pledge of unity and peace among persons and nations.

Mary is our help as we follow Christ crucified. By her “yes”, spoken out a deep faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit, she became the Mother of the Redeemer and gave life to the world. Faithful to her “Yes”, she retained her basic disposition of joy and gratitude, even in every painful experience. She became one with her Son’s surrender to the Father for the salvation of the world. In her attitude of intercession she continues her saving mission as Mother in the mystery of the Church. Thus her life shows us the meaning and goal of our vocation in the heart of the Church.

Your whole life should be unceasing adoration, through a life of purity and immolation, of love and total surrender to God, in intimate union with the Eucharistic life of Jesus.
– 1935 Directory –