Home/Community life

Blessed Christmas to all of You!

2020-12-26T16:37:51+00:00December 25th, 2020|Categories: Celebration, Community life, Devotions, Good Wishes, Greetings, Motherhouse in Steyl, Season|Tags: , , , |

Our Community here in Steyl, Netherlands, is wishing you all, our dear friends, a very Merry Christmas with lots of blessings from our Lord Himself, whose Birthday we celebrate! He is the celebrant who deserves to receive a gift from us, but instead, He gave Himself to each one of us as a GIFT - [...]

Simple Joy

2020-07-20T20:00:54+00:00July 18th, 2020|Categories: Anecdote, Community life, Convent life, Sharings|Tags: , , |

In the convent, we only have simple joys. Because our life is simple and does not have many distractions from the outside world, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant happenings bring us joy and cause laughter among us - little joys that give finishing touches to our day to day encounter with our living God. For [...]


2017-08-23T12:50:23+00:00September 10th, 2016|Categories: Community life|Tags: , |

Recreation is a very important aspect of our religious life. It is important both for the soul as well as for the mind and the body. Our constitution says: Personal and communal recreation, which refreshes us for recollected presence before God, should be provided in varied ways to enable us to relax physically and mentally and [...]

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