We are members of the Congregation of the Sister-Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (SSpSAP), also known as the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters. We are commonly called by many as the “Pink Sisters.”
With much prayer and joy, we have built this website and have invoked God’s blessing for all who will visit it. May all our visitors receive God’s abundant grace, find peace in their hearts, and experience profound and pure joy even amid trials and sufferings. May they be strengthened and consoled in knowing that God loves all of us uniquely and unconditionally.
Share the JOY of our calling!
“In calling you, God says to you: “You are important to me, I love you, I am counting on you.” Jesus says this to each one of us! Joy is born from that! The joy of the moment in which Jesus looked at me.
Understanding and hearing this is the secret of our joy. Feeling loved by God, feeling that for Him, we are not numbers but people, and hearing him calling us, and we know that it is HE who is calling us!”
– Pope Francis, 6 July 2013 –
Learn more about us…

May we pray for you?
Duty and love bid us pray for all persons and intentions
recommended to our prayers and entrusted to us by God.
Send us your Prayer Request.
May not be acknowledged
in writing but we assure you
of our prayers.
click here

Deem it something great that God has deigned to choose you for his service.
– St. Arnold Janssen, Founder: SVD, SSpS, SSpSAP –
As Jesus was filled with joy in the Holy Spirit, may our joy by the power of the same Spirit
make us set our sight on the things of God’s kingdom.
– Pope Francis –
Being a Contemplative Missionary
I equated missionary and mission to traveling, being in a poor, underdeveloped country, or being in a place where God has not been heard or the Good News has not [...]
St. Joseph
Who does not love St. Joseph? Religious and priests have a great devotion to St. Joseph, and so do many faithful Catholics. He is the silent Saint, did not say [...]
Chair of Peter
What is the Chair of Peter? There is a physical meaning to this "chair." But we celebrate on February 22, the spiritual significance of it. According to Pope Benedict XVI: [...]