On June 7, we solemnly celebrated the central mystery of our faith, namely, the Most Blessed Trinity. Thursday after this, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, or what is called Corpus Christi. (Some countries celebrate this on a Sunday after Trinity Sunday).

What does this Feast mean? Why do we have to celebrate the Body and Blood of Christ? Perhaps the explanation of Dr. Brant Pitre will clarify it to us. This video of him was made in 2017, Year A. The Readings he took is the same as this year’s Feast because we are in Year A of the liturgical calendar as well. In this video, we will also understand the meaning and significance of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.


This explains also why we, Adoration Sisters, value Holy Mass so much and spend our entire religious life in the service of perpetual adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is a great and consoling thought and reality, that we live under the same roof, day in and day out, with our living Lord Jesus Christ. He is REALLY Present. That is why, people who visit our chapel, or any chapel with Eucharistic adoration for that matter, affirm that they experience peace every time they come before Him. They perceive a Presence that they cannot explain – they can only feel it and experience it. And they know, that after their visit, they take along with them the peace of Christ and that they have received assurance of His love and presence in their lives.

Let us come before our Lord. He awaits us so eagerly. Oh, if only we knew how much He longs to see us and listen to us!
                                                  Come, let us adore HIM!