
Mary, my Mother – and yours, too!

2020-08-13T09:18:32+00:00July 31st, 2020|Categories: Anecdote, Devotions, Meditation, Prayerlife, Sharings|Tags: , , |

I was not very devoted to Mary as I was growing up. Yes, I believed in her. I accepted her as our and Jesus' Mother. But only that. Why? Maybe because I was not particularly pious. I go to Holy Mass on Sundays only now and then. I did not pray the rosary unless it [...]

The Song of Songs

2020-07-20T19:30:27+00:00July 20th, 2020|Categories: Conference/Talk, Meditation, Sharings|Tags: , , |

The Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon is a Book in the Old Testament that is quite difficult to understand. This Book is a love-poem that speaks of God's love for his people. But it also speaks of a soul's relationship with her Lord. Every time I read this, I feel invited to get [...]

Simple Joy

2020-07-20T20:00:54+00:00July 18th, 2020|Categories: Anecdote, Community life, Convent life, Sharings|Tags: , , |

In the convent, we only have simple joys. Because our life is simple and does not have many distractions from the outside world, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant happenings bring us joy and cause laughter among us - little joys that give finishing touches to our day to day encounter with our living God. For [...]

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