Dear young friends, do not be afraid to go out from yourselves and begin the journey! The Gospel is the message which brings freedom to our lives; it transforms them and makes them all the more beautiful. How wonderful it is to be surprised by God’s call, to embrace his word, and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, in adoration of the divine mystery and in generous service to our neighbours! Your life will become richer and more joyful each day!

– Pope Francis, Message: 52nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2015 –

For young women of our time: are you perhaps called to dedicate your life totally to God in a life of prayer and contemplation, of silence and seclusion, of sacrifice, reparation, praise and adoration as it is lived in our Congregation?

Our calling requires stable, maturing women, with a sense of responsibilty; women imbued with a living faith, who are intent on dedicating their entire lives to Christ by serving the contemplative-missionary apostolate within the cloister. (C.501b)

Since the Church “is by her very nature missionary” (Ad Gentes, 2), the christian vocation is necessarily born of the experience of mission. Hearing and following the voice of Christ the Good Shepherd, means letting ourselves be attracted and guided by him, in consecration to him; it means allowing the Holy Spirit to draw us into the missionary dynamism, awakening within us the desire, the joy and the courage to offer our lives in the service of the Kingdom of God. (Pope Francis, Message: April 26, 2015)

“What exactly is God’s faithfulness, to which we adhere with unwavering hope? It is  his love! He, the Father, pours his love into our innermost self through the Holy Spirit (cf. Rom 5:5). And this love, fully manifested in Jesus Christ, engages with our existence and demands a response in terms of what each individual wants to do with his or her life, and what he or she is prepared to offer in order to live it to the full. The love of God sometimes follows paths one could never have imagined, but it always reaches those who are willing to be found.” (Pope Benedecit XVI, Message: 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2013)
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Responding to God’s call, then, means allowing him to help us leave ourselves and our false security behind, and to strike out on the path which leads to Jesus Christ, the origin and destiny of our life and happiness.

– Pope Francis, Message: 52nd World Day of Prayer forVocations 2015 –