We consider our duty of glorifying the triune God in his mysteries and saving works as being intimately connected with our specific service to all humanity, whom we represent before God. We are aware of a special call to efficacious participation in the Church’s missionary work, in which we cooperate through prayer and sacrifice.
Perpetual Adoration
To the love which is bestowed on all in this mystery, we respond with the service of perpetual adoration. It is a way of becoming in symbol and in fact servants of the Lord, surrendering ourselves to the Word and giving missionary witness before the world to the basic truth that God is the true center of being and the goal of history and that he alone can satisfy the human heart (cf. GS 41)
To the love which is bestowed on all in this mystery, we respond with the service of perpetual adoration. It is a way of becoming in symbol and in fact servants of the Lord, surrendering ourselves to the Word and giving missionary witness before the world to the basic truth that God is the true center of being and the goal of history and that he alone can satisfy the human heart (cf. GS 41)

Liturgy of the Hours in Choir
In the choral Divine Office we are fulfilling a duty of the Church and are sharing in the greatest honor accorded to Christ’s spouse, for by offering these praises to God we are standing before God’s throne in the name of the Church our Mother. (cf. SC 84,85).
In the choral Divine Office we are fulfilling a duty of the Church and are sharing in the greatest honor accorded to Christ’s spouse, for by offering these praises to God we are standing before God’s throne in the name of the Church our Mother. (cf. SC 84,85).

Prayer and Sacrifice for Priests
We earnestly pray to the Lord to give his Church many good priests. Conscious of the responsibility and difficulties of their ministry, we implore the Holy Spirit to bestow on them the necessary graces to administer the divine mysteries faithfully and conscientiously.
We earnestly pray to the Lord to give his Church many good priests. Conscious of the responsibility and difficulties of their ministry, we implore the Holy Spirit to bestow on them the necessary graces to administer the divine mysteries faithfully and conscientiously.

Intercessory Prayer
Open to the intentions and concerns of the Church as well as to the needs of all, we intercede before God in their behalf. Every distress and hardship in the world should find a vigorous response in our prayer.
Open to the intentions and concerns of the Church as well as to the needs of all, we intercede before God in their behalf. Every distress and hardship in the world should find a vigorous response in our prayer.

Nourished by prayer and above all by love for the Eucharist, we bring vigor to the Church’s mission and
witness to the Eucharist as a sign and pledge of unity among all peoples and nations until God will be all in all.
– SSpSAP Chapter Brochure 1995 –