Our community is formed by the Risen Lord, who through his Spirit acts in us and among us. We are a community “which is supported by a Presence greater than itself, which binds it to the Eternal” (Roger Schutz)
– SSpSAP Chapter Brochure 1974 –
In the mystery of the Blessed Trinity we recognize the origin, exemplar and fulfillment of community living. By our vows of chastity, poverty and obedience we reinforce this unity and fellowship in binding ourselves together into one religious family.
By praying with and for one another, unitedly striving towards the same goal, and living together as Sisters, we desire to cultivate persistently the awareness that we are all one in the Lord in joy and sorrow.

In the celebration of the Eucharist, the focal point of our community life, we receive the necessary strength for this selfless, humble service; for “though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in the one bread.“ (cf.1Cor.10:17)
As we live in loving union with one another in Christ, the unifying power of our Eucharistic Celebration is extended to become a presence to everyone.

The Lord calls us together in a community to live in harmony, one heart and one soul in his service.

As servants of the Holy Spirit, the God of eternal love, all the Sisters must endeavor to remain closely united with one another through the bond of true sisterly charity and be of one heart and one soul.
– 1935 SSpSAP Directory –