Our most sincere thanks for whatever financial offering you may send us. Since we do not have a fixed source of income, your contribution will help us a lot. Our convent is big, and we are now only 16 Sisters, some are elderly and infirmed. The younger sisters help maintain the whole house and perform all the works in the community, for we do not have helpers. Your financial support will be a great help, and we thank you already in advance. May our Lord multiply your blessings so that you may have enough for yourself and then have some to share with those in need. Please be assured of our prayers for you and your dear ones.
If you prefer to send your monetary contribution directly through online banking, here are the Bank details:
Name: Klooster der Slotzusters
Bank: ING Bank (5911 BZ Venlo, Netherlands)
IBAN: NL36 INGB 0001 0402 79
BIC (Swift Code): INGBNL2A
Chamber of Commerce KVK-number: 89011759
Below are other ways you could assist us.
We cannot thank you enough. Our Lord be your reward!
Spiritual Support
We are grateful for the prayers offered on our behalf.
We, too, need your prayers that we may remain faithful
to our calling and thus continue to fulfill our vocational
duties. Praying together, we support one another in spirit
and truth, for we are children of the same Father in heaven,
who hears prayers offered in the Name of Jesus, his Son, our Lord.

Help in Kind
We sincerely appreciate and are very grateful for
anything you give us in kind. We regard whatever you
give us as an expression of yourself and the goodness of
your heart. God’s providential care to us is lovingly manifested
through you. May you be richly blessed in turn.
You may send us your gifts at this address:
Kloosterstraat 19
5935 CA Steyl

Jesus said in the Scripture,
“I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers and sisters, you did it for me.”
– Matthew 25:40 (NAB) –