Videos of the Convent in Cordoba, Argentina

CORDOBA comes from the Latin word CORDIBUS, which means: “Heart”.  Its significance is summed up in these words:  “¡Córdoba, corazón de mi país!” (Córdoba is the heart of my country). Cordoba is a city located in the geographical center of Argentina.

The solemn laying of the foundation stone of this convent took place on March 24, 1963. The homily during the celebration is worth quoting: “May this throne of endless love from which God calls to us not remain abandoned and hidden in this district of Córdoba.
We must give a response, a response by which we pledge our presence and our life…We have to respond to Divine Love. People of Córdoba, let us respond to the Divine Love with our human love.”(Fr.R.Gonzales).
We know that this address applies also to us. Yes, let us respond to his love for “God has loved us first”.

Boletin Anual 2018 – Convento Divino Amor

Pensamientos : (Quotes)

Boletin Anual 2017 – Convento Divino Amor

Boletin Anual 2016 – Divino Amor

50 años en Córdoba – Argentina

Boletin Anual 2015

Nacido para evangelizar – Convento del Divino Amor – Parte II

Nacido para evangelizar – Convento del Divino Amor – Parte I

Boletín Anual 2014

2013 – Papa Francisco

Boletín Anual 2013

Boletín Anual 2012

Mother Maria Michael! Co-Fundadora: (About her life and mission)

Legado : (The Maxims)

“When people exchange information, they are already sharing themselves, their view of the world, their hopes, their ideals.”

– Pope Benedict XVI –