
Being a Contemplative Missionary

2023-11-20T20:44:00+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Mission, Religious life, Sharings|Tags: , , , , |

I equated missionary and mission to traveling, being in a poor, underdeveloped country, or being in a place where God has not been heard or the Good News has not been preached. All these notions changed when I entered our congregation, the Sister-Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration, or the Pink sisters - [...]

St. Joseph Freinademetz

2017-08-22T12:09:12+00:00January 29th, 2016|Categories: Devotions, News|Tags: , |

St. Joseph Freinademetz  canonized together with St. Arnold Janssen on October 5, 2003, was the very first Divine Word (SVD) missionary to China. He served the Lord in China with all the love in his heart and strength and courage of his soul. It was not an easy mission; he had to undergo many [...]

Christmas Song

2017-08-21T14:13:02+00:00December 13th, 2015|Categories: Anecdote, News|Tags: , |

Fr. Egide Muziazia, an SVD from Congo, stationed here in St.Michael's Missionhouse in Steyl, taught us today a Christmas song in French, his main language, and a "Kyrie" in the native Swahili. He wants us to sing them on the second day of Christmas when he will celebrate Holy Mass with us - and surely he will accompany us [...]

Lay Missionaries

2017-08-17T13:46:33+00:00May 3rd, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl, News|Tags: , |

Some lay missionaries from Portugal called “Dialogos”, whose main objective is to support the three Congregations of St. Arnold Janssen, were brought to us by Fr. Renato Gnata, SVD and Fr. Tony Pates, SVD for the purpose of getting to know us, whom they are assisting with their prayers and good works. They were shown [...]

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