Our times of prayer and work are harmoniously integrated, so that we can more easily devote ourselves to both with calmness and satisfaction.
Personal and community recreation, which refreshes us for recollected presence before God, is provided in varied ways to enable us to relax physically and mentally and to renew our energies.

Mother Mary Michael said: “Everything must be a prayer for a Sister of Perpetual Adoration, even work. We can and we must be adorers everywhere; in every corner of the cloister.”
This saying applies to recreation and to relaxation as well. In everything we should be mindful of our calling as an Adoration Sister, and that we must be imbued with the spirit of prayer at all times; “and It is in this that perpetual adoration consists”, so concluded Mother Mary Michael.

Live quietly with God.
Work gladly for God.
View things from God’s viewpoint.
Talk things over with God.
Glow with zeal for the glory of God.
Find your joy in God.
Rest deep in the heart of God.
– Mother Mary Michael –