Home/Beatification Process

Start of the Beatification Process

2017-08-18T10:32:36+00:00September 3rd, 2015|Categories: Beatification Process, News|Tags: |

Bishop Franz Wiertz of the Diocese of Roermond, opens today with a solemn Holy Mass the Beatification Process of our Co-foundress, Mother Mary Michael, Adolfine Tönnies. After the Mass the members of the Church Tribunal for the Process was installed. The Tribunal is the competent authority who will gather, study, investigate and judge the historical [...]

Beatification Process

2017-08-17T12:40:04+00:00March 19th, 2015|Categories: Beatification Process|Tags: |

In an official letter dated February 25, 2015, her death anniversary, the Holy See has given the go signal for the beatification process for our Co-foundress and first Superior General, Mother Mary Michael, Adolfine Tönnies. On March 19, the feast of St. Joseph, we received the so-called “Nihil Obstat” signed by Cardinal Angelus Amato. It [...]

100th year Motherhouse

2017-08-17T12:36:31+00:00October 3rd, 2014|Categories: Beatification Process, Motherhouse in Steyl|Tags: , |

Our Motherhouse here in Steyl has just celebrated her 100th year last August 26, 2014. Our Generalate took this opportunity to hold an International Superior’s Assembly (ISA) here in the Motherhouse from August 11-29. Could you imagine our joy, when on the first week of August the Superiors or the representatives of all our houses [...]

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