A few days ago, I was meditating on the Gospel of Matthew about the multiplication of the loaves. (Mt.14:17-21) This Scripture passage gives me the confidence that Jesus will multiply what little I have. If I offer them to Him, He will bless many people through them. I have also learned to believe in others’ gifts and talents, and to appreciate them no matter how small or few they may seem. I firmly believe that Jesus will make what seems impossible possible.
Then, while looking for conferences to insert in our September Newsletter, I came across this talk of Jeff Cavins. I listened, and I was captivated. It just confirmed my meditation regarding this topic. Indeed, it is true! Jesus is not asking that I give what I do NOT have, but what I have – no matter how little.
Listen to him; he will also inspire you. Perhaps, through this, your confidence in yourself and your trust in Jesus will deepen and grow just as it does to me. It also gives me the courage to give more of myself, knowing that He will supply my lack. He will multiply what I offer. And there will surely be leftovers!