
New Website

2017-08-22T12:36:44+00:00April 22nd, 2016|Categories: Invitation, News|Tags: |

We are happy to inform you, dear Visitors, that our convent in Chile now has  a new website: http://siervas-del-espiritu-santo5.webnode.es/ You are all welcome to visit their site and also to ask for their prayers. Our Congregation has 22 convents worldwide. Some have a website, some have none. You are welcome to visit any of our Convents either [...]

Our Congregation Logo

2017-08-22T12:33:23+00:00April 11th, 2016|Categories: Apostolate, Motherhouse in Steyl, News|Tags: |

Our Congregation Logo summarizes our way of life and our consecration, as well as our particular task in the Church. In 1919, one of our Sisters was commissioned to express in painting our mission in the Church. After having been approved by Fr. Nicolas Blum, the SVD Superior General at the time, the new [...]

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