Our Community here in Steyl, Netherlands, is wishing you all, our dear friends, a very Merry Christmas with lots of blessings from our Lord Himself, whose Birthday we celebrate! He is the celebrant who deserves to receive a gift from us, but instead, He gave Himself to each one of us as a GIFT – the best Gift we could ever receive. Let us receive This Gift, our Lord Jesus, with open arms and an open heart!
Dear little Lord Jesus, welcome into our homes and into our hearts! Thank you for giving us Yourself so generously. You gave up everything, “though You were in the form of God, You did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Instead, You emptied Yourself, becoming like us” (cf. Phil. 2:3) that we may learn to become like You in every way! With your love and your grace, we hope to become like You! Thank you for the precious Gift that You are to us!
Happy Birthday, dear Lord, from all of us!
Blessed Christmas to all of you, dear Families and Friends!