
100 Years Perpetual Adoration

2017-08-18T10:53:07+00:00November 6th, 2015|Categories: Motherhouse in Steyl, News|Tags: , |

We've just had Holy Mass this morning with our Auxilliary Bishop Everhard de Jong as main celebrant, concelebrated by Dean Fr. Jos Spee and our parish priest Fr. John Dautzenberg, gratefully commemorating our Congregation's 100th year service of perpetual adoration. On November 6, 1915, the Diocesan Bishop of Roermond, Msgr. L. J. H. A. Schrijnen, [...]

Meeting of three Contemplative Congregations

2017-08-17T13:31:06+00:00April 21st, 2015|Categories: Diocese of Roermond, News|Tags: , |

As suggested by Pope Francis on this Year of Consecrated Life for “monasteries and groups which are primarily contemplative to meet or otherwise engage in an exchange of experience on the life of prayer, on ways of deepening communion with the entire Church...”, the Superiors of the three contemplative congregations in the Diocese of Roermond (where [...]

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